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In React, form elements like input and textarea are usually managed by React. A form element managed by React is called a Controlled Component. Creating a React State like const [value, setValue] = React.useState('') can become very repetetive. Let's use a custom hook to simplify the task for us!

The useInput hook returns an array with 2 elements. The first element is an object that has the following structure { value, onChange } and it will manage the Form element's state for you. The second element is a function that will reset the input value to the initial value. So, if you passed an empty string to useInput, then the value will be updated to an empty string.

The Syntax#

const [inputFields, resetState] = useInput(initial);


initialString or Number or FunctionThe argument to useInput should be the initial value that your form element should have. If you want to lazily load your initial state, then you can do so by passing a function.

The API#

{ value, onChange }ObjectThe { value, onChange } object is passed directly to the Form element, and it will manage the state. You can use the spread syntax, like <input {...inputFields}>
resetStateFunctionA helper function that will update the value state to the initial state passed to the hook



import { useInput } from "kantan-hooks";
export default function Input() {  //destruct the array  const [nameFields, resetName] = useInput("");  const [ageFields, resetAge] = useInput("");  //destruct the nameFields/ageFields object inside the <input/> element like  //<input {...nameFields}/>
  //if you have multiple form elements, then create a reset function  const handleReset = () => {    resetName();    resetAge();  };  return (    <>      <label htmlFor="username">        Username        <input          type="text"          id="username"          placeholder="Your name..."          aria-label="Your username"          {...nameFields}        />      </label>      <label htmlFor="age">        Age        <input          type="number"          id="age"          placeholder="Your age..."          aria-label="Your age"          {...ageFields}        />      </label>      <button onClick={handleReset}>Clear Form</button>    </>  );}


Sometimes you want to constraint what the user types into the form element. For that, you can pass an options object with a handleChange function. The handleChange function receives 2 arguments. The first argument is the new input field value, and the second argument is the current input field state, like handleChange(newState, previousState). Let's say your form element only allows uppercase characters. Write a function like below.

const handleChange = (value: string) => {  //if the value is "a" then "A" is returned  return value.toUpperCase();};const [upperCaseFields] = useInput("", { handleChange });