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Next, import the hook you need for your component, like the useToggle hook to easily manage a boolean state. It returns an object with 4 properties, open, onOpen, onClose, and toggle. open is a boolean React state, so it's either true or false. And onOpen (updates open to true), onClose (updates open to false), and toggle(toggles the open state) are the update functions, that will update the open state. Play around in CodeSandbox, and try out different things like conditionally rendering a React Component, etc.

The useToggle hook will come in handy in all kinds of situations. Later you will encounter the useClipboard hook that simplifies the Clipboard API for you, and the useToggle hook will help you out.

The Syntax#

const { open, onOpen, onClose, toggle } = useToggle(initial);


initialBooleanThe initial boolean value of the open state.

The API#

openBooleanA boolen state that will be updated when the state setter functions are called.
onOpenFunctionA state setter function that updates the open state to true
onCloseFunctionA state setter function that updates the open state to false
toggleFunctionA state setter function that toggles the open state from true to false or vice versa.



import { useToggle } from "kantan-hooks";
export default function App() {  //destruct the object returned by useToggle  const { open, onOpen, onClose, toggle } = useToggle(false);  return (    <>      <h1>Turn the Switch on/off</h1>      <button onClick={toggle}>Toggle Switch</button>      <button onClick={onOpen} disabled={open}>        Turn on      </button>      <button onClick={onClose} disabled={!open}>        Turn off      </button>    </>  );}